Moderate exercise and a decent night's sleep are the foundation of good health, and yet they're all too easily neglected.
The Jawbone UP24 can fix that, first by tracking your sleep patterns
and the steps you take and then by nudging you into doing a little
better. That might involve challenging you to beat your steps goal by
20% or just vibrating to tell you that you've been lazing in your chair
for too long. It's simple, but it really works.
Wireless wrist action
its predecessor,
the UP24 is a slim, subtle wristband. In fact, the only way to tell the
two versions apart is the patterns on the outside: UP24 has calm,
smooth lines while the original UP has hyperactive zigzags.
What separates them technologically is UP24's Bluetooth, meaning that,
instead of plugging the band into your phone's headphone jack to check
your progress, the UP24 will update wirelessly and automaically
througout the day. It still needs to be plugged into its USB adaptor for
charging but that isn't too troublesome (as long as you don't lose the
bespoke dongle), although battery life is now seven days rather than 10.
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